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Sunday, June 24, 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge: Pet Peeves

Oh, goodness! I love this cartoon. I know I wrote before about how my family calls me The Expert, but I will be the first to tell you that I don't know everything. I am wrong about things all the time. However, people who seem to honestly think that they KNOW IT ALL, drive me absolutely bonkers! 

Let's see, I also hate it when people use words like, funner. Surprisingly, especially for an English teacher, I am not all that particular about the way people talk. Write...yes. But talk? No. I used to remind others that I worked with high school students students, and their vernacular was bound to rub off on me at least a little. These days I primarily speak 18-month-old. A whole different ball game!

I am not the tidiest person in the world, but I do hate it when people leave the lids off of things. Always have. 

I can't feel sorry for people when they have a "God must be out to get me" kind of attitude. It's a test people.   We are all tested and challenged in different ways, and how we handle those tests helps determine the kind of individual we become for the rest of forever. You don't have to always be happy, but blaming other people (God included) for your challenges isn't really going to help you get through them any easier. Sorry for the soap box moment! 

I know there are more, but rather than sit here and dwell on all the things that drive me crazy in the world, I am going to make some lunch and focus on happier thoughts! 

1 comment:

Aunt Connie said...

I have the tee shirt of your cartoon. :-)
I also get told all the time that I know everything and not in a sarcastic way. My friends and coworkers come to me a lot. :-)