This is my confession of the crazy things that have been floating through my head for the past few days. I am totally blaming this on turning 30 soon, but I really could just be crazy!
1. Do I really want to have babies?
Gasp if you must and run to grab the thermometor to make sure I am feeling okay, but that is actually something that has been running through my head. Why? Well, I like our life. I like being home and hanging out with Nick and not having to worry about anyone else. I like sleeping through the night. I like being able to pick up and run out the door at a moments notice. Besides, this world is a crazy, scary place where there are crazy scary things. I'm worried enough about me handling it! How can I expect to prepare my own children?
2. If I can guarantee that we have girls...
I might reconsider. However, I have a theory about how sons steal a mother's heart and her sanity and then spend all of their adult life stomping on her heart strings. I am terrified to have sons. I don't know what I would do with them or how to handle them or if I would even like them. Sigh! Not a pleasant way to spend a lifetime.
3. If I get this job and go back to work...
We will just have to push having kids off more anyway. As soon as I begin working, I will need to stay working for a long time. Longer than I originally thought. School loans and cc debt and wanting to buy a house and establish some roots are all pressing on my mind. BIG TIME! Not to mention that I am watching my husband melt under the stress of making his budget for next year which determines our income. I can't let him stress like that anymore. I need to contribute to us more.
4. Really, I am getting too old for this...
I know. Thirty! So what? Right? Nope. I'm scared to have kids in my 30's. What if something is wrong with them or me? We already tried this once and it didn't keep. If that happens again, I can't promise that I wouldn't want to give up.
5. I'm afraid to do this alone and so far away from my family. I don't think I am strong enough for that.