This is no secret. I hate housework. Despise vacuuming. Detest dishes. Loathe sweeping and mopping. Don't believe in making my bed. WASTE OF TIME. Luckily, I married someone who is totally crazy about how the house looks. I would much rather just not invite people over. Now, I do know how to clean. I am actually rather good at it when I get started. However, in order to get on a house cleaning roll, I need a quiet and empty house. A place where there are no distractions and nothing to detract me from my goal of a clean space. My mom used to love it if I had an hour or so with the house to myself. I would attack with the dust rag and vacuum. I do not have that luxury today, so every once in a while, I have to drag myself around the house and clean up. This also comes with the guilt that I am not cuddling my babies. I would absolutely rather be doing that. Housework stinks! Boo!
I love to vacuum, but I hate bathrooms more than anything!!!
Dishes are okay, but sweeping and mopping doesn't seem to have a point.
I agree, I would much rather be cuddling the kiddos!!!
Oh... children and a clean house. I think that ranks up there with unicorns and faries. Things people love and want to believe can be found, but really don't exist.
But, give those kiddies a hug and remember the poem by Leslie Prest
Housework can wait,
my children need kisses.
They want me to play,
I'll put off the dishes.
When they're grown,
I'll keep the house spic 'n' span . . .
But children grow fast so
I'll play while I can.
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