Well, I think I am being force fed some humble pie right now. Somehow I have to figure out how to let go of the anger, resentment, and frustration I am feeling towards...well, it doesn't matter who it is, does it? What does matter is that I need some help figuring out how to control/release what I am feeling right now. This isn't help that is going to come from this world. I know that. I just need the answer to be crystal clear. I need to know what it is that I need to do to change my attitude. It is the only one I have control over, afterall. Although, I often feel as if I have little control over that right now either.
I am happy that I can start working out harder this week. I think focusing on that will help. If anyone wants to come sit with my girlies for an hour so I can actually hit up the gym, let me know! I will let you. :-) I am going to pack the girls up and head over the mountains to visit my parents this coming weekend. I need to get away for a little bit. I hope to drive up the Mesa and sit for a while--and probably cry. I think I need a good cry. You know the kind, whole body, barely breathing, cry until you are dry kind of cry. Problem is, after that kind of cry, I always want a nap. I don't have time for a nap.
Today I need a reason to keep going...okay, that's a bit dramatic, but I am drama. At least I know it and can admit it.
I like a self-aware woman.
I love you! I wish I could watch your girlies while you go to the gym like I did Q!
I know what it is like to be inundated with emotions that you don't want nor ask for. It stinks. You are right on, though, when you say you need help from outside this world!
I put your name in the temple Saturday, like I always do. I hope it helps to know each hour many people in Texas are praying for you!!!!!!!
Thank you, Ruth. I love you!
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