I do love the anticipation that builds when Nick is coming to visit. Tomorrow is Halloween, my sister-in-law's birthday, and the day Nick gets here! I am anxiously awaiting his arrival! This is going to be a blissful weekend.
We talk so much about how great it will be when we actually live in the same place and will be able to see each other all the time. I can only hope that when we are in the same place, we will be as happy as we anticipate being. I do not wear rose colored glasses all the time. I know that bliss is something each person has to work for. I am scared sometimes that things may not be as perfect as they are in my head, but I also know that they can be so much better! I am crazy about him, he is crazy about me, and we are both just a little crazy!
For now though, I suppose I should just wait for tomorrow and enjoy the now! I am working on enjoying the now, since it is the only guarantee I have.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Family...
I am experiencing the interesting things that happen when there is a blending and combining of families. You know, Nick's family has always loved me. In fact, his mom loved me before she even met me. I am pretty sure that the reason for that is that Nick's other girlfriends were just not fantastic like I am, but then again...who is?! :)
I bring this up because, for the first time ever yesterday, I was included in a family email from Nick's dad. Don't get me wrong, I have emailed back and forth with both of his parents for a while now, but it was fun to see my name next to Nick's and his grandparents and and I think, his uncle's--as if that is an unofficial signal that I am in! Yeah!
On the other side, his mom and step-dad are coming down from Casper this weekend to spend the day with us. Nick will be here (his birthday is Sunday), so Mom decided that she wanted to come and see us. She sends me emails sharing her excitement at coming to see us, and she likes to emphasize that she is excited to see BOTH of us. I like it. It is nice to have the love and support of his family...even if Nick does say that they love me more.
The other nice thing is that Nick and my family get along so well. I mean, how could you not get along with my family? Still...I like to see them together. Like in this picture. This was after the Munchkin's play in September. There is Kelli, Adam, Nick, Stef, Kara, Chris, and Daniel who are not related, but are family none-the-less. We had a great time with them all!

Then there is this picture from that same weekend. It is such a cute picture of Nick and Kelli. We took it at Holly and Eric's family reception in Grand Junction.

So, for now, I am in family bliss. Mine is wonderful as always, and his gets better and better as I get to know them more and more. Thank goodness for that!

So, for now, I am in family bliss. Mine is wonderful as always, and his gets better and better as I get to know them more and more. Thank goodness for that!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Work Stuff
I have been silly to think that I am actually doing something good here. All that really seems to be happening is that I am putting too much effort into things that aren't really going to happen, and that is a bad thing. I am making--not really enemies--but I am not a loved person. I will just have to do my very best to not stir the pot anymore. Maybe I shouldn't care. Maybe I should just put in my year and move on, but that just isn't me. Although, maybe it should be.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
There really isn't enough of it in this world. I am one of those hopeless romantic types. I am also one who doesn't get it in her life very often. That is, until recently. It is amazing to me how my idea of romance has changed. I once accused Nick of not being romantic, but in reality, he is romantic in such a subtle and sweet way. It is the things he says and the ways in which he says them. It is how he hugs me with his T-Rex arms. It is the fierce kisses on my forehead and the quick squeezes in public. He's just cute, and I like him!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
High School Drama
It never quite goes away, does it? I am sure that people have looked at me from time to time and thought, "I wonder if she knows that she is acting like a high school student?" Well, I hang out with them all day, so that is kind of a given. (Not really.) However, I am talking about the kind of high school drama that is so he-said, she-said. The kind of drama that involves cheap shots, nasty rumors, and hurtful words thrown at each other on blogs or emails or myspace or facebook. Since we have embraced those things in our society, have we condemned ourselves to be enternally stuck in high school? This is a thought I have been having since someone is apparently spying on me from another person's facebook account--actually not spying on me, but on my boyfriend. I have one thing to say to all the ex's of the world out there. There is a reason you are an ex! Move on and be happy that they have done the same.
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